The STIFFY BAG is made from a durable metallic foil bubble wrap material with a strong plastic lining which prevents snagging.
It is strong, light and fire resistant offering a very high level of product protection.
Adhesive tape can be used to seal the bags and simply removed without tearing the foil backing making it reusable.
It is highly cost effective because it can be used over and over again.
No more time consuming wrapping or re-wrapping, the picture is simply slipped into the Stiffy Bag

The traditional way to safeguard art or graphic products has involved the use of bubble wrap, corrugated cardboard, paper, tape and string.
These materials are clumsy to use, take time and effort and are usually thrown away after one use.
They give poor protection to the picture frames, which can be costly and time consuming to repair.
How long do you spend wrapping and re-wrapping pictures trying to use packaging which have not been designed to be reusable?
How much bubble wrap do you throw away in a year ?
STIFFY BAGs are not thrown away, they are designed to be reusable, making them environmentally friendly
Now there is a cost-effective alternative: the STIFFY BAG

Allows the Stiffy Bag user to easily identify the contents of the bag at a glance.
Also links the Stiffy Bag to a particular painting to make re-packaging even quicker
This wallet is a no cost extra to make using the Stiffy Bag even easier to use.